1·Should he or she be labeled with a psychiatric illness like bipolar disorder?
2·Accurate disclosure of professional qualifications is especially critical for patients with psychiatric illness.
3·No history of psychiatric illness was noted, but the patient reported an adverse psychiatric reaction to ketoconazole.
4·And while having a psychiatric illness is tough enough, the stigma surrounding these diagnoses adds to the burden, experts said.
5·The risk of birth defects is small, yet the decision to stop taking medication is common, even among women with severe psychiatric illness.
6·Previous research has demonstrated that IQ as a marker of cognitive reserve is inversely related to risk for total psychiatric illness.
7·However, they may need to continue their medications if they have a history of severe, recurrent depression or other major psychiatric illness.
8·Since the heart knows its own sick, body disease medicine for the heart, the heart if the heart is when you have a net, heart health, or psychiatric illness alive.
9·The American Psychiatric Foundation launched the "Conversations" series in 2002 so that psychiatrists could hear from people whose daily lives have been affected by mental illness.
10·There are a wide range of psychiatric medications that are prescribed to treat mental illness. Most often these include antidepressants and a class of medications called atypical antipsychotics.